ida's second update

Apologies for the sparseness of these updates!

Since my last update, i've been working on making objects persist between scenes while preventing duplication, working out how to integrate Daniel R's designs for the battle system into the template system that Devone has been engineering, and fine-tuning the overarching game scripts and settings. i've also been responsible for resolving version control issues and on managing builds. i just finished adding functionality to the F key for toggling fullscreen/windowed. This week, i'll be focusing on updating the stats/attacks system to reflect what Daniel R intends, improving the organization of the game scripting to separate what needs to be in each scene vs. what systems exist in all of them, checking in with my fellow programmers to see if they need help with anything, and getting a prototype build done by Wednesday afternoon.

We won't have all the systems intended for the game fully developed and integrated yet -- the dialogue with and recruiting of townsfolk, group combat mode, multi-target attacks, planting and inventory systems -- but we'll have a demonstration of the art, controls, battle experience, music, and charm ready to go.

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